Yes, absolutely! When adding your signature in SignPe, you can choose your preferred color on the "Add Signature" screen. Remember, this color choice is one-time and cannot be changed once saved. However, you can add multiple signatures with different color options.
E-signatures are changing the way we sign documents or finalize agreements. And SignPe, your trusted e-signature app, makes it more efficient and secure. Here's a question: Can you personalize your signing experience? Can you add a splash of colors to your eSignatures?
Well, Yes. With SignPe, you can choose your favorite color for your signature.
Adding Your Signature with SignPe
When you're ready to add your signature in SignPe, follow these simple steps:
Open the document you need to sign.
Tap on the signature field to add your signature.
On the "Add Signature" screen, you'll see an option to choose your preferred color.
Select your favorite color from the color palette provided.
Once you're happy with your choice, save your signature and place it on the document.
Why Change Color For Signatures?
Choosing your signature color adds a personal touch to your documents. Whether you prefer classic black or want to stand out with a bold color, SignPe allows you to express yourself.
Important Note:
Your color choice is one-time and cannot be changed once saved. However, you can add multiple signatures with different color options to suit your preferences. So add a pop of color to your signatures with SignPe, and make your documents uniquely yours! Happy signing!