Sometimes when you open a document in the SignPe app to sign it, the page might look rotated or turned sideways into landscape mode. It can make it hard to read and sign properly. But don't worry – we're here to help you navigate this issue!
Why Do Documents Appear in Landscape View?
Some documents, like wide images or spreadsheets, are created to be viewed in landscape mode. When you open these documents in SignPe, they might automatically display in landscape view because that's how they were designed.
How To Fix It?
Try Rotating Your Device
If your phone or tablet allows screen rotation, try physically rotating it. Sometimes, this simple trick can make the document appear in portrait mode, making it easier for you to sign. That way, you can still see and sign it correctly in a wider view.
Re-orient the Document Before Uploading
If you have the original document or a version that can be rotated, consider adjusting it to portrait mode before uploading it to SignPe. This way, when you open it in the app, it should display correctly.
We understand that dealing with landscape documents can be inconvenient. and we're working on a solution! In future updates, we plan to add a "Rotate" feature to SignPe, making it easier for you to adjust document orientation within the app.
In the meantime, if you need further help or have any questions, contact our support team at [email protected] We're here to assist you every step.