Worried about the safety of your clients' signatures after they sign a document using the SignPe app? Let's understand what happens to a client's signatures after signing a document. 

Are Your Clients' Signatures Stored?

Nope, SignPe takes privacy seriously. When clients sign documents on your device, their signatures aren't permanently saved on SignPe's server. This is especially true if they're not SignPe users.

Why is Privacy Important?

Imagine if someone kept a copy of your signature without your permission – that wouldn't feel great, right? SignPe respects your clients' privacy by not storing their signatures without consent. SignPe ensures that your clients' signature data is deleted promptly once the final document is generated. This helps keep their information safe and secure.

So don't worry! When your clients sign documents using SignPe, their signatures are kept private and secure. SignPe values privacy and takes steps to protect your clients' information.

Next time you use SignPe to collect signatures from your clients, you can feel confident that their privacy is being respected. If you have any questions about privacy or security, please contact SignPe's support team for help. Happy signing!